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The Transpiler

The transpiler is responsible for resolving the given value. For example, when given Hello {{ key }} the default transpiler will replace the dynamic variable key based on the given params, or in some cases, within the translation object itself.


The default transpiler can be configured with custom interpolation start and end markings to match message parameters.

To configure the DefaultTranspiler interpolation markings you must provide a Transloco config with the interpolation property set.

Functional Transpiler

In addition to the default transpiler, Transloco also exposes the FunctionalTranspiler which allows you to implement function calls into your translation values. This way you can leverage Angular's DI power and make your translations even more flexible.

The FunctionalTranspiler is compatible with the DefaultTranspiler, therefore you can switch to the functional without worrying that it'll break your current translations.


Switching back to the default transpiler will require you to remove all the functional syntax.

To enable this transpiler, add the following provider in your TranslocoRootModule:

import { FunctionalTranspiler, provideTranslocoTranspiler } from '@jsverse/transloco';

providers: [provideTranslocoTranspiler(FunctionalTranspiler)]
export class TranslocoRootModule {}


In order to use a function in the translation, we need to provide it to the transpiler. We do so by creating a new class that implements the TranslocoTranspilerFunction interface.

For example, let's say we want to display different texts, based on whether the user is exposed to a specific feature or not:

import { FFService } from './feature-flag.service';
import { TranslocoTranspilerFunction } from '@jsverse/transloco';

class FeatureFlagResolver implements TranslocoTranspilerFunction {
constructor(private featureFlagService: FFService) {}

transpile(...args: string[]): any {
const [flagName, trueValue, falseValue] = args;

return this.featureFlagService.hasFF(flagName) ? trueValue : falseValue;

As you can see, the transpile function can accept any number of arguments; you're the one who defines which arguments will be passed. In my case I'm passing three:

  • The feature flag's name.
  • The value I want to present in case the user has the flag.
  • The value I want to present in case the user doesn't have the flag.

Now we will add this transpiler function to the TranslocoRootModule providers:

import { FunctionalTranspiler, provideTranslocoTranspiler } from '@jsverse/transloco';
import { FeatureFlagResolver } from './has-feature-flag';

providers: [provideTranslocoTranspiler(FunctionalTranspiler),
provide: 'hasFeatureFlag', // ====> The function name used in the translation
useClass: FeatureFlagResolver
export class TranslocoRootModule {}

The functional syntax is very similar to calling a regular function, here is an example:

"title": "[[ hasFeatureFlag(newDashboards, has flag, missing flag) ]]",

In this case, we are checking if the user has the newDashboard flag, and in case he does, we want to display 'has flag'; otherwise, we will display 'missing flag'.

Usage Notes

If the function returns a string that includes the interpolation syntax ({{value}}), the transpiler will replace it with the params or other keys references just like the default transpiler does.

If your function param needs to include a comma, you need to escape it:

"title": "[[ someFunc(Hello {{user}}\\, welcome ,...) ]]",

'Hello {{user}}, welcome' will be the first param passed.

Custom Transpiler

You can also provide a custom transpiler by creating a class that implements the TranslocoTranspiler interface.

import { TranslocoTranspiler } from '@jsverse/transloco';

export class CustomTranspiler implements TranslocoTranspiler {
transpile(value: any, params, translation: Translation, key: string) {
return ...;