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some manual changes might still be needed after the script ran.


ng g @jsverse/transloco:migrate

What will be done?

The script will iterate recursively over all your HTML and TS files and will execute the replacements described below:


The translate pipes will be replaced with the transloco pipe.

  1. {{ "" | translate }} will be replaced with{{ "" | transloco }}
  2. {{ "" | translate | anotherPipe | oneMore ... }} will be replaced with{{ "" | transloco | anotherPipe | oneMore ... }}
  3. {{ "hello" | translate:{name: 'Jhon'} }} will be replaced with{{ "hello" | transloco:{name: 'Jhon'} }}
  4. {{ "hello" | translate:{name: 'Jhon'} | anotherPipe }} will be replaced with{{ "hello" | transloco:{name: 'Jhon'} | anotherPipe }}
  5. <component [header]="'' | translate"... will be replaced with <component [header]="'' | transloco"...
  6. <component [header]="'' | translate | anotherPipe"... will be replaced with <component [header]="'' | transloco | anotherPipe"...
  7. <component [header]="'hello' | translate:params | anotherPipe"... will be replaced with <component [header]="'hello' | transloco:params | anotherPipe"...


The translate & translateParams directives will be replaced with the matching transloco directives.

  1. <div [translate]="'HELLO'" [translateParams]="{value: 'world'}"></div> will be replaced with<div [transloco]="'HELLO'" [translocoParams]="{value: 'world'}"></div>


The TranslateService imports will be replaced with TranslocoService.

  1. import {TranslateService} from '@ngx-translate/core'; will be replaced with import { TranslocoService } from '@jsverse/transloco';
  2. import {TranslateModule, TranslateLoader} from '@ngx-translate/core'; will be replaced with import {TranslateLoader} from '@ngx-translate/core'; import { TranslocoService } from '@jsverse/transloco';

Constructor Injections

The TranslateService injections will be replaced with TranslocoService.

  1. constructor(private translate: TranslateService) { will be replaced with constructor(private translate: TranslocoService) {

Service Usages

  1. translateService.currentLang will be replaced with translateService.getActiveLang().
  2. translateService.onLangChange will be replaced with translateService.langChanges$.
  3. translateService.use(...) calls will be replaced with translateService.setActiveLang(...).
  4. translateService.instant(...) calls will be replaced with translateService.translate(...).
  5. translateService.get(...) calls will be replaced with translateService.selectTranslate(...) and take(1) needs to be manually added translateService.selectTranslate(...).pipe(take(1)) in order to prevent listening to language changes.
  6. calls will be replaced with translateService.selectTranslate(...).
  7. translateService.set(...) calls will be replaced with translateService.setTranslation(...).
  1. const translation = this.translateService.instant('hello') will be replaced with const translation = this.translateService.translate('hello')
Manual Replacements
  1. getBrowserLang() - In Transloco it's a pure function that needs to be imported.
  2. getBrowserCultureLang() - In Transloco it's a pure function that needs to be imported.
  3. currentLoader - No equivalent in Transloco.
  4. addLangs(...) - No equivalent in Transloco.
  5. getLangs(...) - No equivalent in Transloco.
  6. reloadLang(...) - No equivalent in Transloco.
  7. resetLang(...) - No equivalent in Transloco.


TranslateModule & TranslateModule.forChild(...) & TranslateModule.forRoot(...) will be replaced with TranslocoModule

  1. TranslateModule.forChild({ loader: { provide: TranslateLoader, useFactory: HttpLoaderFactory, deps: [HttpClient] } }) will be replaced with TranslocoModule


Imports, Modules and TranslateService will be replaced with TranslocoService


If you encounter any issues with the migration script please open a github issue so we can resolve them and make a better experience for all.